Choose your tab above. . .

New User Sign-Up: Your building already has SpotShare, and you want to sign up. You must be an owner or tenant. (Guests cannot have an account.)

Contact Us: You are an association/building manager or board member, and want to get SpotShare for your building. Or, you just want to contact SpotShare.

Login: You have already registered for SpotShare, and you want to log in.

Need more info? We're here to help.
Fields marked with * are required

SpotShare only uses the information you submit in order to establish
service at your location. We will never share or sell your data. Promise.
One step away. Welcome!
You must be an owner or tenant. (Guests cannot have an account.)
Fields marked with * are required
Example: "Email from manager" or "Notice in elevator"
(Password optional for Gmail email addresses)
Two ways to log in. Your choice.
...or log in with your SpotShare password:
Remember me on this computer
(Do not select this option on a public/shared computer)
Can't remember your password?
Leave password blank and we'll
email you a link.